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Thursday, May 20, 2010

No SPOT Reduction

Do you workout but your one problem area never seems to go away…your belly fat or beer belly or some gurus called it as pooh belly? Men tend to have big problem with it because that’s the first place that fats love to settle down right THERE... could it be more macho having those fats dangling there? Or sometimes “pop OUT” when you dress up too tight. As for women, fats love to settle at and around the hips and butts. Know what, some men would say “emmm, look at her, she’s fertile!”.. Do you really judge those fats as fertile? Or it’s an insult to women?

Remember there is NO SHORT CUT and sorry to inform you that there is NO SPOT REDUCTION. So save your penny and forget about those slimming centres out there especially those in Damansara Utama. By the way, can they sue me for condemning them? Well let’s getting serious, if you have been on a quest for a flat belly or even a six pack abs, it’s what you don’t know that may be sabotaging your efforts of budging that stubborn fat off your stomach. The right information can be the difference between looking at your same old belly a few months (I took 2 months to flatten my tummy, from 36.5” to 31”) from now or seeing a brand new you with flat abs you haven’t seen since your college days.

First and foremost if you have been doing various abs exercises in hopes of reducing fat surrounding your stomach…you REALLY need to stop. I’m talking about all traditional abs exercises like crunches, sit ups, side bends, weighted sit ups …Sit-ups is REALLY a NO-NO. Please STOP if your current abs workout involves you doing some type of torso twisting or bending or involves strenuous hip flexor twisting. These abs exercises don’t do much other than wreck your posture and put unnecessary strain on your lower back. Bear in mind, your abs muscles are not designed to flexing or bending your spine. The perfected engineering & design of the abs muscles are to maintain your midline stability. That’s the real function of it. In other simple words, your abs muscles are there to protect your back from bending and twisting too much... do you get it now?

Here’s a good sample exercise you can try, that gets your abs activated. Start on the floor in a plank position with both your elbows bent at 90 degrees. See picture below:-

* Get into pushup position on the floor. Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for as long as you can. Your goal should be to hold it for two minutes.

Picture by Men's Fitness

1. An average JOE can hold for 1 minute.

2. If you think you are a STUD, hold for 1.5 minutes.

3. And a POPEYE can hold easily for 2 minutes.

4. If you able to HOLD for 4 minutes, you are HOT

Whatever it is, you got to remember that having strong functional abs aren’t enough to get you a flat tummy. In order to effectively get flat abs you have to burn the fat from your stomach. The problem is you can’t target reduce fat, like I said earlier, NO SPOT REDUCTION. That means when you burn off fat, you burn it off from your entire body. HE did not design ‘selector’ switch for us to choose which area to ‘spot reduce’ hehehe... It bolts down to your body fat percentage still. So believe you got some ideas how to play the games now......

Let's go and flatten our tummies before the coming Christmas.... and enjoy and feel proud of your brand new BODY..Yeah!!!

Please leave a comment. I am sincerely would love to know what you think and what’s in your mind.
To Fitter & Leaner YOU....
Kayee Lai

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with Kayee with the facts he pointed out. Most people are just too LAZY to exercise and think of "SHORTCUT". They spent more than ten to twenty over thousands on those so called "slimming centre" and with the amount you are paying them, you can invest on a very good gym membership, quality foods and supplememnts.

    Buy by paying them that amount of money, you get no results. You learn nothing but lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling and see your money flew away...

    As a personal trainer, I have to point it out because I often had people complaint about money they spent on slimming centre but they get nothing except the sales girl who are serving you. She gets loads of commission by selling you the package.

    And my friends, just to tell you the truth, there is no SHORTCUT!!! The only shortcut is to exercise and follow a proper workout program. Like what Kayee said, To Fitter & Leaner You.
